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Testimonial on Acne Scar Treatment

Go To Post     Testimonial on Acne Scar Treatment
Thank you for the feedback! We appreciate it very much. We try to give our best for our patients. And we're truly happy when someone appreciates our efforts.
Our Synergistic Acne Scar Treatment has been our best-selling treatment at the clinic. Results are guaranteed! Improvement can be seen between 1-4 sessions, depending on the age of the patient, skin type, onset of treatment, home meds used and most importantly, the classification of scars.
We offer 2in1, 3in1 and 4in1 treatments with RF Fractional Microneedling as the base treatment to stimulate collagen production.
We offer FREE ASSESSMENT so you can prepare for your treatment. Just send us a DM or viber Doc M at 639199130113.
Not ready to have your treatment yet? Try using our Acne Scar Set. We give it as take home meds for our acne scar patients, and it works wonders! It will soften your scars, prevent acne, lighten acne marks and prepare your skin for treatment. Our Acne Scar set is available at the clinic or thru our website,
🌟Contact us! We'd like to hear from you.
📱0933-8638440 / 0976-0597234
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