Go To Post Just one of the amazing results of our 4in1 Synergistic Acne Scar Treatment. No fillers used!
This patient is a fast responder. After full cheeks cannula subcision, tethered acne scars were released. RF fractional microneedling stimulates collagen production deep in the dermis, thru its gold-plated needles that penetrate the skin and deliver rf energy in the dermis. 100% TCA CROSS helped resurface deep scars, smoothening the texture of the skin. PRP enhances the results and lessens downtime.
We offer FREE Online Assessment. Just viber Doc M at 639199130113
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📱0933-8638440 (Sun)
📱0976-0597234 (Globe)
☎️8899-3697 (Landline)
🌐 www.adranedadermatology.com --> to chat with us, view our services and purchase skincare products
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